A prezzie!
A local resident heard about the sun bear project, and contacted the PI to make a generous donation of a beautiful whole mount taxidermy specimen. I went to pick it up, and here we are:

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the personal blog of a newly-fledged biomedical informatician, about anatomy, computers, life, or just anything she finds interesting that day
A local resident heard about the sun bear project, and contacted the PI to make a generous donation of a beautiful whole mount taxidermy specimen. I went to pick it up, and here we are:
what with my Critical Informatics Systems for Infectious Diseases course and all...
This is somewhat old news, but I missed it when it happened. Dr. Milo Gibaldi, Dean Emeritus of the UW School of Pharmacy, passed away in January.
I was about to blog about this, when I saw that Hank Fox said it better than I could.
Nothing chases the blahs away like almost getting run over.
I'm going to turn this spot over to Mr. Raven for an announcement for a very worthy cause--community/public radio. I'd just like to add my support to his appeal--please do what you can to support your local public radio station, whether or not it's Seattle/Bellevue KBCS, which is Mr. Raven's particular focus. Here's what you can find at KBCS.
The other item on the evening's agenda is the semiannual KBCS membership drive. I know I don't have to lecture you on the importance of supporting community radio--not only does it bring you me every week (!), but more importantly it opens spaces for a wide array of interesting programming that's not viable on commercial radio, brought to you by volunteers who do so simply because they care about it. Now, I know many of you are not a position to contribute even moderate amounts to the health of some place like KBCS--I've certainly not yet bounced back from my lengthy unemployment, so I'm sympathetic. But I would like to ask you to contribute whatever you can to help support the work of the station. I'd much rather see every listener (or mailing list member, or whomever) ante up $5 than to get one big contribution. So think it over, and do what you can--with my thanks. The station's website is kbcs.fm.
When the Intelligent Design (ID) creationism proponents advocate "teaching the controversy", they're referring to a fake controversy, the one which they've attempted to manufacture through press releases and other PR, rather than through actual research.
Friday, I finished the last of my most pressing deadlines, the business plan for Helarctos Press, which will be the distribution vehicle for the book that I am completing. When I look back on the last three months, I barely remember any of it! Still, in that time I got three papers and a business plan out, made progress on my dissertation, my book, and the informatics for infectious disease course I am developing, and traveled to Michigan to give a talk, as well as having some kind of super-cold that really kicked my ass.