Back in the land of the living

Wow--I'm really happy at how well my defense went, and the feedback I got from my committee and from the public part of the presentation. And I'm also wistful, because I'm moving on to a new stage in my life, and that's beginning next week, as I start to focus on publications and grants, rather than the degree.
Still, even with all that attachment to the last 6 years, it was a lot of fun last night to not have any immediate responsibilities waiting for me, and just to spend an evening hanging out and relaxing with friends. We went over to Emma and George's for Games Night, and they opened a very nice bottle of champagne that they'd been saving, serving it in crystal flutes. It was very good and smooth--Frank observed that it had an "apple" quality, and he was quite right. Just hanging out with close friends, not feeling the press of papers and research right at that moment--it was a most enjoyable evening of the type I've had to forego too often lately. I'm going to enjoy this feeling as long as it lasts.
Adam Schiff: "You got what you wanted. Take the rest of the week off."
Jack McCoy: "It's Friday, Adam."
Adam Schiff: "So it is. See you on Monday."
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