A drama in 3 acts.
Act I: making applesauce with friends.

Act II: an unexpected discovery at the bead store.
I stopped in to look for a mountain climber charm to top off a clock Dale made commemorating my friend and colleage Damian; what they had instead was a fossil shark tooth!

Act III: Fuck.
Opened my email for the first time today. An old friend, who I thought was making a good recovery in hospital, just entered hospice.
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.
Labels: comparative anatomy, friends, fruit, jewelry
Here is a donut for you silly cunt.
Talecris indeed.
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Thin-skinned AND a misogynist. You're quite a catch, Eric.
I don't hate Women.
I don't even hate you.
Mild dislike maybe.
If you have anything to comment about my posts here, Eric, feel free to do so, as long as you keep it civil. Calling me a "cunt" doesn't qualify under that heuristic, by the way, and I won't tolerate it in my space.
But this is not the place for arguing about how you're Pharyngula's dumbest troll; take it back there to that thread if you have anything to say on that topic.
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