Sunday, June 26, 2005

Here's to you, Chamah!

While going through some old boxes of paper to recycle, I found an old press release from Woodland Park Zoo, on the passing of their last male sun bear a few years ago.

"Chamah was a very handsome, intelligent and gentle old bear," said zoo keeper Cheryl Frederick.

Selamat jalan, beruang bagus baik. (UPDATE 6/29: I was trying to say in my rudimentary Indonesian "goodbye, good bear". There are two words for "good" in Indonesian, "bagus" and "baik", and I thought they were synonyms. Today I got a chance to talk to a native speaker about the difference, and learned that the "good" I meant--well-behaved, kind, good temperament--is actually "baik". "Bagus" is more like "good-looking, pretty". So I have changed my toast to Chamah accordingly.)


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